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  Stouder RedMrkr Ivory-ET VG-85

Ivory is one of my favorite cows! I started showing her when she was only 5 months old and again as a yearling. We won showmanship our first year together which was very suprising to my family because she was so young. Then as a yearling we won the quality classes and I showed her full sister Inez in showmanship and we won. Ivory is now producing milk at my families dairy and was flushed last year for a March 2005 flush to September Storm a red factor bull. She was just checked pregnant a few weeks ago to the same bull.


  Stouder RM Independence-ET

Independence is my sweetheart. She is very pushy and very demanding but very sweet. In the picture Independence is being held by my youngest cousin Leah and her tail is being brushed by Leah's friend Savannah. Independence was a pain to show when she was younger because she thought that standing still and doing nothing was what she was supposed to do, when really that was exactly opposite. So me and Leah usually just tried to drag her around the ring and keep her moving. I only showed her one year because I moved to college the next year she was able to be shown.


  Stouder Touchdown Mystic

Mystic hasn't yet been showed, but she is good prospect for the upcomming year. She is from a very good pedigree and her mother looked very nice. In November I sold her mother to a dairymen in Wisconsin he was very pleased with her and I'm hoping that Mystic turns out just as nice as her mother.